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Team behind the Eco-lution

   By the word itself eco-lution means to take care our surroundings by doing a right solution it compose of saving, conserving and protecting our environment to those natural disaster or human-made disaster. Solutions that i assure everyone can do in a simple way like putting the trash in a right cans and by separating The 3R's the reuse, reduce and recycle materials. In short it is an advocacy that aims to protect, restore and enhance our environment.



A community taking part in maintaining its natural resources and clean and healthy environment. We want to have a better and safe future. To save our mother nature from the things we’ve change. Likewise to bring back our environment. We work to conserve natural resources that are vital for ecological systems and human survival.


Our goal is to improve the environment in our community by supporting promoting, protecting and wise use of the environment. Saving our nature today will change our environment. Be discipline with all the things we are doing. Encourage everyone to cooperate with this project. Our projects aim to help the already vulnerable to reduce their vulnerability to climate change and environmental degradation in the future.

I'm Raj

Educate. When you further your own education, you can help others understand the importance value of our natural resources

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I'm Jaidee

I am encouraging everyone to take action and begin contributing to the solution to this problem. Let us all plant trees, dispose of our garbage properly, reduce air pollution, and practice reduce, reuse, and recycle. We must start immediately. 

I'm Albeah

The way I can help to our environment is by using eco friendly materials instead of plastic and let us know our responsibility for things like not throwing garbage anywhere because it can cause pollution and more garbage in our areas and we can get sick because of it.

I'm Stephanie

Reusing, reducing, and recycling saves not only people but also other species, mostly aquatic. One person's action can have a big impact, and by influencing others to join forces, we can save our planet. Environmental issue is getting worse because no one is working on it.

I'm Yesha

By means of watching news in television, it can help in vulnerability environment by catching-up news and information about calamities. By means of that those knowledge and informations that visible to share to our neighbor's or other people to be safe, to be ready, and to be alert to those vulnerability that possible to encounter if we neglected continuously of our environment in present.

I'm Akira

Our planet needs our help, i myself is willing to take action for our planet be it cleaning, donation and everything that can help our planet.

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